High Risk

Cheap High Risk Car Insurance in San Francisco

High Risk Car Insurance in San Francisco : the basics

Motorists who are considered the riskiest tend to fall under non-standard insurance, which is a risk insurer. For these drivers, finding high risk car insurance in San Francisco is a necessity because of the costs of being a high risk driver. Being a high risk driver does not necessarily equate to being a terrible driver. A subset of drivers are high risk drivers, and many of them can’t get coverage from major insurers. If you’ve been labeled a high-risk motorist and are looking for high risk car insurance in San Francisco, it’s vital to shop around for the best rates, as policy costs can vary. Although some major insurance companies insure high-risk motorists, many insurers focus on them. Either way, whether it’s an insurance company or a smaller one, we want to give you the perfect opportunity to discover the best rates for high risk car insurance in San Francisco and the surrounding area.

  • Lowest price increase for high-risk car insurance in San Francisco compared to normal rates = 35%
  • Lowest price increase for high risk car insurance in San Francisco after 1 DUI = 87%
  • Highest price increase for high risk car insurance in San Francisco after 1 DUI = 131%


Average Price of Car Insurance in San Francisco by Driving History

  • Average Cost of Car Insurance for those with a DUI = $6,120
  • Average Cost of Car Insurance for those with a reckless driving infraction = $6,350
  • Average Cost of Car Insurance for those with an at-fault accident on record = $2,540
  • Average Cost of Car Insurance for those with a clean record = $2,180


Who needs High Risk Car Insurance in San Francisco?

There are many different reasons why a person may need a high risk car insurance program. Today, some cars and motorists are more accident-prone than others. The fact that they are high risk is reflected in the amount they pay for their car insurance premiums. Your driving record will determine whether you need high risk car insurance. If you have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or if you have numerous violations such as speeding, you may be considered a high-risk driver, which will require you to purchase high-risk car insurance in San Francisco. Recent history has become a key factor in determining whether you need high risk car insurance. Finding insurance for high risk car insurance in San Francisco for high risk drivers may seem like a daunting task, but it is not hopeless. In the meantime, an approved defensive driving course will help bring the price down, especially if you are a new driver. By proving that you are adopting safe practices, the programs can help bring down prices.

To sum up: comprehensive coverage = liability + comprehensive + collision. Collision insurance pays the cost of repairing your vehicle if you are at fault for the collision.

Accident effects on Minimum Coverage Rates in San Francisco

Tickets or accidents that may have occurred in the last 12 months will weigh more heavily on the price of your insurance. High-risk car insurance is needed to cover a category of drivers who are considered by insurance companies to be a greater threat. These drivers are not always considered to be reckless drivers, but they are expensive to cover because of a history of non-payment or gaps in insurance.

  • Changes in average car insurance rates in San Francisco based on credit scores = 68 %
  • Maximum changes in San Francisco car insurance rates based on credit scores = 130 %
  • 85% of car insurance companies in San Francisco take your credit score into account when calculating the amount of your car insurance.


How to Get the Best High Risk Car Insurance in San Francisco

Price comparison is going to be your best friend when it comes to buying high risk car insurance in San Francisco. Policies are very different from one insurance provider to another, so high risk car insurance premium prices vary as well. A different insurer may just look, while a car insurer may scrutinize the last five decades of your history. Each will have a different way of assessing the threat of single offenses. And what may be considered a high risk category by one company may not be by another. Some car insurance companies even focus on providing high risk car insurance in San Francisco. These providers understand your difficulties and requirements better than an insurer. Our agents have expertise in various types of insurance and can help drivers navigate through the different coverage choices so they can get the best high risk auto insurance for their needs.


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